
2024-07-26 349 SAA蛋白質檢測,SAA蛋白質檢測




   在談癌色變的今天,大多人都了解癌症早期發現,早期治療的重要性。  大腸癌長年高居台灣國人癌症排行榜的前三名,早期發現早期治療的存活率可達9成以上,現在由癌症登月計畫國際小組召集人陳玉如博士所發明的SAA蛋白質檢測技術,對大腸癌篩檢的準確率高達91%,這項最新的高準確率且採檢方便的檢測新工具已經由中研院技轉給俊質生醫,讓過去”捅屁屁”的尷尬及不方便成為過去式。


   消化系統癌症在早期通常沒有太特別的症狀,很難被發現,以至於發現時通常已經到中晚期了,因此影響治療成效,也大幅降低存活率。  中研院特聘研究員陳玉如博士表示:「這個技術能讓一般人對癌症不會再那麼樣的感到恐懼。  早期診斷,他的存活率可能可以高達九成。檢測流程是抽血,再送進質譜儀去判讀你是癌症還是正常人或者是其他發炎反應的人。完全沒有胃鏡或者是大腸鏡等等所需要的兩天的準備時間,跟侵入式所帶來不舒服的感覺。」  另外高雄醫學大學吳登強副校長表示:「SAA檢測技術的好處是不用做侵入性的檢測,它抽血就可以了。  第二個它的準確性夠。這項技術可以挽救到很多的生命,因為這樣子的檢測可以找到很早期的癌症。」  SAA蛋白質檢測目前針對大腸癌的整體準確率是91%,針對胃癌篩檢的整體準確率是85%。



   癌症篩檢技術與服務在市面上行之有年,但一般癌症檢測的準確度卻最為人詬病。  傳統檢測方法一般都只看血液裡面特定標記分子量的增加或減少來做判斷,所以準確率不夠理想。  SAA蛋白質檢測,除了看量之外,又加了紋路的辨別,檢驗結果比目前市面上所有血液檢測所得到的判斷更為精確。  SAA蛋白質檢測是抽血後,實驗室再透過攜帶抗體的磁性奈米粒子,去吸附血液中非常微量的SAA發炎蛋白質,再以高階質譜儀做分析,最後以電腦的AI生物資訊演算法比對臨床資料庫,相較於傳統只看總量的方式能更有效辨認癌症,更能精準判別出受檢者之罹癌風險。  有別於侵入性的腸胃鏡,以抽血方式進行的SAA蛋白質檢測也是早期腸胃癌篩檢的優良選項。


Screening New Tool for Colorectal Cancer, Convenient, Safe and Precise.

The SAA Protein Test was invented by Prof. Yu-Ju Chen, the convener of the international team of Cancer Moonshot Project. The SAA protein test has an accuracy of 91% for Colorectal Cancer screening. The technology was spun off from Academia Sinica to JUNZHI Biomedical. Colorectal Cancer ranks top 3 in Taiwan’s cancer list for many consecutive years, and the survival rate of early detection and early treatment can reach more than 90%. The gastrointestinal cancers usually have no special symptoms in the early stages and are difficult to detect, so when they are discovered, they are usually already in the middle-late stages which affects the effectiveness and treatment and greatly reduces the survival rate. Now there is a new detection tool with high accuracy and convenient to inspect which is helpful for early detection and early cure of Colorectal Cancer. Prof. Yu-Ju Chen expressed ”This technology can make ordinary people feel less afraid of cancer. If diagnosed early, his survival rate may be as high as 90%. The testing process is to draw one tube of blood, and then send it to a mass spectrometer to judge whether you are a cancer, a normal person, or a person with other inflammatory reactions. There is no two-day preparation time required for gastroscopy or colonoscopy, and the uncomfortable feeling brought about by invasive methods.” In addition, Dr. Deng-Chyang Wu, Senior Vice President of Kaohsiung Medical University, said “The advantage of SAA detection technology is that does not need to do invasive detection, it can be done by a single blood draw. The second is that it is accurate enough. This technology can save many lives, because that this kind of detection can find very early cancer. In the actual clinical test, SAA Protein Test has an overall accuracy of 91% for the detection of Colorectal Cancer and 85% for the detection of Gastric Cancer.

The Accuracy of Current Commonly Used Detection Tools for Colorectal Cancer is not Ideal Enough, and the Invasive Detection Method such as Colonoscopy is accompanied by Some Risk.

Cancer screening technologies and services have been available on the market for many years, but their accuracy is the most criticized. By a single blood draw, and through the purification of magnetic nanoparticles, the SAA protein is analyzed by the advanced mass spectrometer “MALDI-TOF”, and the AI biological interpretation software is used to analyze the cancer risk. Instead of using invasive endoscopy, SAA Protein Test, by the simple blood draw, is also an excellent option for early gastrointestinal cancer screening.





